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World war essay

World war essay

world war essay

The War of the Worlds is a fictional novel written by H.G Wells in the year It was one of the first stories that shows a scenario of conflict between the human race and extraterrestrials. It World War 1 Essay World War 1 is one of the most well known wars, and the war that ultimately changed the meaning of war. However, the purpose of previous wars was to take another 27/02/ · A war erupted between countries from to which is known as World War 1 which was between major powers of Europe. During the 19th century and the beginning of the

World War II: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

Many factors lead to great tensions in Europe, sparking the need for a war. It had many famous battles, such as the battle of The Somme, a battle world war essay many casualties, especially for the British. The war was mainly fought between the members of The Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy and the members of The Triple Entente Great Britain, France, and Russia. Eventually, countries such as the USA joined in Rivalries between countries, arguments over empires, and an arm race are the causes of the European tensions that lead to the war.

A cause thought to of sparked the war was the shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, next in line to the Austro-Hungarian throne, by a Serbian terrorist in Bosnia. This caused the conflicts and hostility of the four decades leading up to the war. Militarism, alliances, imperialism, world war essay, and nationalism played major roles in the conflict as well. Militarism was the glorification of the military. This was as romantic view of the war. Germany and Great Britain were in great competition. Both countries were increasing their naval spending. This arm race, or the buildup of armies and navies, caused fear and suspicion.

Germany had challenged Britain as the number one naval power. This led to a hostile relationship. Alliances were agreements among nations to aid each other if attacked. ByEurope was divided. Great Britain, France, and Russia all formed the Allies while Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy formed the central powers. Imperialism was the competition for trade and colonies, resulted in tense relationships between European nations. Britain and France world war essay alliances against Germany as a result of competition for colonies. Germany wanted to expand and take over Europe. This led people to support their government even if it meant war. France, whose pride had been hurt after the World war essay war, wanted revenge against Germany and regain Alsace world war essay Lorraine.

Ethnic minorities, such as the Slavic people, wanted unity and independence. Russia felt obligated to defend all slaves because they all shared a common nationality. The World War I left 9, soldiers dead, 21, soldiers wounded and 7, soldiers missing. This terrible conflict lasted over 4 years, involved over 30 nations, and claimed lives of both military and civilian. It cost billions of dollars, destroyed Europe, crumbled empires, and sowed seeds of World War II. There were also others causes world war essay led up to World War I. Over time, countries in Europe made mutual defense agreements that would pull them into battle. If one country was attacked, allied countries were bound to defend them, world war essay.

Before World War I, the following alliances existed: Russia and Serbia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, Britain and France and Belgium, and Japan and Britain. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia July 28, world war essay,Russia got involved to defend Serbia. Germany seeing Russia mobilizing, declared war on Russia august 1, France was then drawn in against Germany and Austria-Hungary august 3, Germany attacked France through Belgium pulling Britain into war August 4, This eventually split the continent into two hostile sides. The Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, later joined by Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empireand the Allies Great Britain, France, Russia, later joined by Japan, world war essay, Italy, and the United States.

In the fall ofa serious of battles occurred in the region of northern France known as the Western Front. During this time a German general, named Alfred Graf von Schlieffen, had drawn up a plan, and called the Schlieffen Plan, which called for attacking and defeating France in the west and rushing to fight Russia in the east. By early September German troops had reached the outskirts of Paris. World war essay, on September 5, the Allies attacked the Germans northeast of Paris, in the Valley of Marne River. The Germans retreated after four days of fighting.

The battle of the Marne was an important battle because the French and British forces were able to stop the Schlieffen plan for a quick victory. However, world war essay, the German army was not beaten, and its successful retreat ended all hope of a short war. By earlyarmies on the Western Front began digging long trenches to protect themselves from opposing armies. This became known as trench warfare where soldiers fought each other from trenches. New technology, such as machine guns, poison gas, world war essay, tanks, and submarines, allowed armies to wipe out each other more quickly. War was also going in a region known as the Eastern Front, which stretched along the Russian and German border.

In this world war essay, the Russian and the Serbs fought the Germans and Austro-Hungarians. Here, the Russians lost many lives. Near the town of Tannenberg, the Germans defeated the Russians killing over 30, Russian soldiers. In Septemberafter defeating the Austrains twice, the Russians were defeated by the Austrians pushing them out of Austria-Hungary. By Russia was near collapse. Russia was less industrialized than the other European countries, but they had a large population which allowed their army to rebuilt its ranks. In February world war essay, the Allies made an effort to take the Dardanelles strait, which led to defeat the Turks and make a supply line to Russia.

This became known as the Gallipoli campaign. The Gallipoli peninsula was attacked by British, French, Australian, and New Zealand troops. By May, the campaign turned bloody. In December, the Allies began to evacuate. They had lost oversoldiers. Soldiers and laborers from India, South Africa, Senegal, Egypt, Algeria, world war essay, and Indochina joined their French or British rulers in hope that their service would lead to their independence. Inmany wars took place on the sea. During the year, the Germans used unrestricted submarine warfare, in which the submarines would sink without warning any ships in the water around Britain. In Januarya German submarine sunk the British passenger ship Lusitania which left 1, people dead, including United States citizens.

Germany claimed the ship had been carrying ammunition; nut world war essay received strong protests from President Woodrow Wilson. After two more attacks, the Germans agreed to stop world war essay neutral and passenger ships. This pushed President Wilson, on April 2,to ask Congress to declare war on Germany. The United States the joined the Allies. When the United States entered the war, the war had already been going on for three years. World War I became a total war because all of the countries devoted their resources to the war. The wartime government took control of the economy and told factories what and how much to produce. Nearly every civilian able to work was put to work.

Governments began rationing or limiting the number of goods people bought that Might be needed at war and using propaganda to put people in favor of the war. Women were also a big help by taking over factories jobs and to put people in favor of the war. Women were also a big help by taking over factories jobs and helping the wounded on the battlefield. In MarchCzar Nicholas was forced to step down due the shortages of fuel and food in Russia. Byabout 5. Russia refused to fight anymore. In Novemberworld war essay, a communist leader, named Vladimie llyich Lenin took control and insisted on pulling Russia out of the war.

Germany and Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which ended the war between them in March In Maythe Germans again reached the Marne River. In Julythe Allies and the Germans fought the second battle of Marne. The weakened Central Powers were unable to fight off the Allies, world war essay. The Bulgarians first surrendered and then the Ottomans. World war essay Germany, world war essay, the soldiers and the people revolted. On November 9,Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down, and Germany became a republic with socialist Friedrich Elbert as president. A representative of the new German government met with Commander Marshal Foch near Paris. They signed an armistice or an greement to stop fighting.

On November 11, the Great War came to an end. It made way for the competing ideas of socialism, fascism and liberal democracy. was that it marked a huge change in Europe, and set into motion many key changes for the US. It marked the end of the Ottoman Empire. Prussia was eliminated as a country. It marked for many European government the end of total monarchy like in Germanyand into republics, and symbolic monarchies like England, for exampleborders changed and power shifted within Europe like never before. The power shifts in Europe, plus the financial strain of the Great War, brought new financial opportunities for the industrial engines of the US.

The Great War also was pretty brutal. It marked the end of old world warfare, and modern warfare, with the use of submarines, landmines, poisonous gases, air warfare and reconnaissance, tanks, grenades and machine guns replaced cavarlies and bayonets. This was very important.

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, time: 6:28

World War 1 Essay Example | Free Cause & Effect Essay Sample

world war essay

30/08/ · World War 1 was a devastating war that led to the deaths of millions of people. The United States entered World War 1 in , which ended four years later after Germany 26/11/ · 10 Lines on World War 2 Essay in English 1. World War 2 or Second World War occurred between and and is considered the most massive known warfare in 2. 15/11/ · Introduction. World War 1 began in August as a result of assassination of Archduke Ferdinand the heir of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian politician. The war lasted four

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